N, B. for the purpose of these rules’ membership classification is as follows:

Adult members over 18 years of age Juvenile members 12 to 17 years of age,


  1. The society is named ‘STONE PRIVATE ANGLING CLUB’ Membership cards must have a recent photo attached inside the membership card. Anyone fishing without a membership card and without having a recent photo attached will be asked to leave the water. When fishing please leave membership cards on visual display for bailiffs to check (Except for juniors fishing with an adult member).
  2. The annual subscriptions are as follows,
    Adults £50
    Juveniles £25

  3. Adult members may be accompanied by a junior for the purpose of fishing providing:

  4. The junior is under 12 years of age.
  5. The junior does not prevent another adult or junior member from fishing.
  6. Juvenile members may fish unaccompanied except for night fishing, you must be 18 or over to night fish unaccompanied, any junior regardless of age fishing on a junior membership will not be allowed to fish without being accompanied by an adult, any junior who turns 18 can upgrade their junior membership to an adult membership and pay the difference.

  7. Subscriptions, for new licenses, commence on 1st January. A license is valid from the day of purchase until January 31st the following year. Any members without a new license, after 31st January, will not be allowed to fish SPAC waters; until their membership has been renewed

  8. Members are allowed the use of two rods from the same peg, 3 rods allowed on Longton, Parkhall, Lady Corner pool and Smithpool provided there are no more than 3 anglers fishing, or at bailiff’s discretion

  9. Reports of members causing inconvenience to other members/fishery owners or using abusive or threatening behavior to any bailiff, or not complying with a bailiff will be dealt with by the Committee and may lead to expulsion from the club.

  10. Damage caused accidentally or otherwise to landowners’ property, must be reported to the landowner, bailiff, and Club Secretary.

  11. Dogs are not allowed on club waters unless permission has been granted in writing by the landowner and S.P.A.C (to be reviewed every 12 months). Except for Parkhall, Lady corner Pool, Longton Park and Smithpool but must be always kept on a lead

  12. Litter left by members on landowner’s property will result in action being taken against the offending members. NO TINS OR CANS ARE TO BE TAKEN TO THE WATERS. No fires allowed under any circumstances

  13. Annual General Meeting proposals are to be submitted in writing to the Secretary, 10 days prior to the meeting except for proposals concerning membership and subscription

  14. The secretary may call an emergency general meeting whenever this is necessary.

  15. A minimum of 3 committee members are required at club meetings.

  16. All matters concerning contests/matches are to be dealt with by the match secretary (and Assistants) outside the monthly meetings. His/her findings are to be brought forward at the appropriate monthly meeting.

  17. Members are allowed two guest tickets only per day. 

  18. A) Guest tickets must be signed by the secretary/treasurer or authorised persons.

    b) Guest & day tickets will be £5.00 per rod (open to revision) and must be purchased prior to fishing

    c) All members are responsible for their guests and must accompany them to ensure that the club rules are enforced.

  19. A) All members must abide by the club rules, failure to do so could lead to your expulsion

    B) Rules will be policed and enforced by club bailiffs

    C) Club members must have a valid rod licence, and a club bailiff can ask to see your rod licence

  20. Any problems on any water must reported to either a club official or designated bailiff

  21. Carp sacks are banned on all club waters.

  22. No retaining of Carp at any time, all Carp must be returned within 15 minutes Catch and release within 15 minutes maximum, weigh, take photo, return immediately

  23. Only Carp fishery approved keepnets to be used

  24. Fish over 3lb must not be retained under any circumstances in nets.

  25. Drugs and alcohol are prohibited on all waters, breaking this rule will not be tolerated anyone found in possession will be removed from the waters

  26. Barbless hooks to be used on all waters.

  27. Floating baits are only allowed on Wild’s pool’s and Hobbergate, no floating baits on any other water

  28. No Tiger nuts allowed on any water

  29. Do not move more than 5 metres away from your rods when baited hooks are in the water

  30. No live baiting on any water

  31. A) All night fishing must be booked in to a bailiff, failure to book in could result in you being asked to pack up and leave

    B) Night fishing is members only, no guest’s allowed

    C) There is a maximum 3 nights fishing, unless 7 days’ notice has been given to a bailiff or club official

    D) Anyone leaving their peg unattended and leaving equipment on that peg will have their equipment removed, unless in an emergency, if anyone has to nip home or shop then please let the pool bailiff or official know, we can’t have pegs taken up and stopping other members from fishing if no one is there

  32. Under no circumstances are any fish to be removed from any water without prior notification from club officials and, or the Environmental agency. Anyone removing fish from any pool unauthorized will be expelled with immediate effect and where possible prosecuted for theft. Anyone found introducing fish into the waters will be banned with immediate effect and reported to the EA.

  33. Members may take one non fishing guest with them, to accompany them whilst fishing.

  34. The guest can only fish if a guest ticket has been purchased prior to fishing.

  35. Any wheelchair user must have an able-bodied minder to assist them whilst fishing on club waters. The minder is exempt from the club’s insurance and so helps the wheelchair user at their own risk.

  36. If you are fishing in a designated Wheelchair peg, you will be expected to move if asked to by a wheelchair user

  37. All anglers fish on our waters at their own risk. The club holds no responsibility for loss, theft or damage of any property brought on site, and all anglers and guests fish/visit at their own risk

  38. No refunds will be issued to any member under any circumstances

  39. Unhooking mats must be used at all times, no matt no fishing, wherever possible please use a cradle

  40. Carp/fish care treatment should be always carried when fishing

  41. There will be a Pike season 1st October to 31st March inclusive, no fishing for Pike outside these dates, barbless trebles only and a wire trace to be always used, where possible a rubber coated landing net is recommended

  42. A 42inch landing net to be used when carp fishing

  43. Please respect others fishing boundaries

Parkhall has some shallow pegs, therefore no one is allowed to enter the water and anyone who does so, enters the water at their own risk.

The club will not accept any responsibility for any member who enters the water.

A club member can purchase a guest ticket to take someone to fish the pools


Some rules on certain waters are different due to maintaining them, or ownership.

Please read the rules for that specific on that water’s notice board before fishing or ask a bailiff

Guest tickets are available from M Ellams (Secretary) Bailiffs and designated outlets, the guest tickets are sold to the member, who must accompany and is totally responsible for their guest (Rule 17 applies).


You can join S.P.A.C (Stone Private Angling Club.) by calling in at any of the following tackle shops.

Angling Direct Leek Road, ST1 3NQ

Dolphin Discount - Stoke - ST4 4HW,

Trentside angling - Abbey Hulton - ST2 8BP

The Pets Place - Weston Coyney - ST3 6PZ

Bucknall Bikes and Tackle - Bucknall - ST2 9HJ

Nathan's Premier Angling Centre - 38 Moorland Rd, Burslem ST6 1DW

Caroline’s pet’s - Pettitt’s Corn Mill
Hulme ST3 5BQ

Peter Savage - Secretary

Michael Ellams - Treasurer

Victoria Ellams - Chairperson

Also from any of the club officials.

Membership cards must have a recent photo attached inside the card, no photo (No Fishing) It will make your membership card invalid.